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An important technical goal is efficient, high-throughput construction of synthetic genes. Here, we report a useful resource towards this goal – a validated set of 166 20-nucleotide orthogonal PCR primers. Used in pairwise combination, it is possible to create 13,695 gene-specific primer sets, each capable of uniquely amplifying the sequences corresponding to individual genes from commercial mixed pool oligonucleotide syntheses. [PDF] [SI]

The statistical coupling analysis (or SCA) is an approach for analyzing the collective evolution of amino acids within proteins. This approach exposes a functional architecture within proteins in which the basic evolutionary units are sparse, physically contiguous, long-range networks of residues (termed sectors). Sectors represent various biochemical properties of proteins, and correspond to functional and/or phylogenetic divergences in a protein family. This paper represents a technical explanation of the SCA method, with annotated examples. [PDF]

A short preview of a paper reporting a large-scale proteomic screen for proteins that interact with the core cellular machinery mediating autophagy. The main interesting aspect of such unbiased screens is the possibility of using the data to adjust or even re-draw our picture of the network of components and reactions that make up a complex cellular process. [PDF]

In biological systems ranging from proteins to neural tissues, global behaviors emerge from nonlinear interactions between many constituent parts (amino acids or neurons, respectively). Empirical results suggest the sufficiency of pairwise correlations in capturing the essential global behaviors. Here, we show that the Monte Carlo sampling procedure used to demonstrate this result in proteins and the maximum entropy model used to demonstrate the result in neural systems are, in certain limits, mathematically identical. These procedural similarities likely speak to a deeper similarity in the nature of the general class of problems that include multicomponent interacting systems in biology. [PDF]
A short review of a few papers reporting the first high-resolution structures and detailed functional characterization of the beta-2 adrenergic receptor, in complex with a ligand and in the context of an engineered domain in an intracellular loop. Understanding the mechanism of allosteric regulation of activity in G protein-coupled receptors is of major importance in biology, and these studies represent a significant step towards that goal. [PDF]

An interesting empirical observation is the capacity of some lineages to undergo very rapid morphological variation in response to selective pressure. An example is in dogs, where dramatic changes in morphology have occurred compared to related species of Carnivora. What might be the mechanistic origin of this rapid evolutionary variation? Here, based on genome sequencing in many species representing 10 carnivore clades, we find evidence for selectively elevated slippage rates in tandem repeat regions of various proteins in the dog and rodent clades that show fast morphological change. Since changes in repeat lengths has been shown to influence function in proteins controlling developmental morphology, we propose that variation in basal slippage rates across clades may underlie variations in rate of morphological change. [PDF]

A short review of “knowledge-based potentials” – statistical parameters derived from databases of known proteins to empirically capture useful aspects of the physical chemistry of protein folding and function. Such statistical potentials have played a major role in enhancing the performance of computational protein design by both improving the accuracy of physics-based models of the interatomic forces and by limiting the complexity of searching the sequence space. [PDF]

In addition to their well-known role in visual signal transduction, photoreceptor cells of the retina also carry out another light-mediated process – programmed cell death, or apoptosis. The initial steps of the mechanism of light-dependent photoreceptor apoptosis was worked out in Kiselev et al. (2001), but this small review describes work on the later events in the process. Basically, this work shows that ceramide, a sphingolipid involved in many aspects of cellualar signaling, plays an essential role. Since diverse cellular processes control ceramide production, this molecule could be an integrator of many external signals that collaborate to determine the probability and timing of apoptosis. [PDF]

In 2001, a large consortium of scientists from throughout the United States convened to work on a global understanding of cellular function. The motivation was the growing sense that the more traditional approach of studying components of cells one at a time was potentially never going to tell us how a cell (or any complex biological system) operates. This summary article describes the broad scientific questions and strategies taken on by this consortium, and outlines an administrative strategy to work collaboratively towards a collective understanding of cell behavior. [PDF]
Designing protein sequences that fold into specific native three-dimensional structures is a problem of great potential complexity. This short review describes a new approach to this problem – not based on direct modeling of the physical chemistry amino acid interactions, but based on modeling the statistics of evolution, as represented in extant protein sequences and structure databases. These ‘knowledge-based’ potentials combined with computational optimization algorithms provides a powerful set of tools for designing proteins. More deeply, the study of these empirical potentials might help direct a fundamental physical understanding of the energetic principles of protein structure and function. [PDF]

A short review of molecular mechanisms of specificity in cellular signaling systems.
InaD is a multi-PDZ domain scaffolding protein that assembles a specific membrane-associated macromolecular complex in Drosophila photoreceptor neurons, and is essential for vision. The power of efficient genetic manipulation in flies, together with quantitative electrophysiological and imaging methods makes InaD a beautiful model system to study the general principles of organized signaling in cells. This short review summarizes work to date on this system, and advances the key next questions in this line of work.
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Center for Physics of Evolution
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology The Institute for Molecular Engineering The University of Chicago 929 E. 57th Street Chicago, IL 60637