We are committed to open sharing of our data and methodologies. Here, we provide software codes, application notes, and datasets including atomic structures. In some cases as noted, this includes materials that are of high quality, but were ultimately extraneous and irrelevant to our papers and thus remain unpublished. Contact us for requests for physical materials…DNA constructs, cells, Drosophila strains, and other reagents.
Quantitative Biology: From Complexity to Simplicity
The term “complexity” is routinely used to characterize biological systems. But what does it mean, precisely? We have designed a course that comprises lectures that introduces the basic process of data analysis, modeling, and formulation of theory, and includes a number of case studies in which understanding of biological systems has emerged through the application of this approach. An overall theme is to think deeply about a rigorous definition of system complexity and to learn about strategies to rationally address such systems. As a counterpoint, we begin with the study of linear systems and the rich mathematical foundations for understanding and predicting their behaviors. We then move to non-linear systems; what makes them complex and difficult, and why is the mathematical treatment of these systems so much harder? We will explore several biological examples of non-linearity in fields ranging from structural biology to evolution, ending ultimately with a proposed general definition of complexity in biology and an operational strategy for studying such systems.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Linear Systems
Part 3: Non-Linear Systems
Part 4: Conclusion and next steps
Center for Physics of Evolution
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology The Institute for Molecular Engineering The University of Chicago 929 E. 57th Street Chicago, IL 60637